(italian version here!)
Have I ever told you about my passion for cinema?
I would go to the movies every night if I could, and I'd always sit in the front row (yeah, I like the front row, as I don't mind going home with a stiff neck in order to have nothing and nobody in between the screen and myself).
Unfortunately I live in Zurich and as I am not familiar with the local language I don't go to the cinema very often. Actually I don't do it at all.
However, in the past few months I have found out that I can rent pretty much any movie I like through iTunes.
I've recently watched The fox and the child, whose photography, in my opinion, is very beautiful. At the beginning of the story - in some scenes - light kind of invades the picture in a way that thrilles me.
As I was watching it I did rewind some scenes over and over again. Until Luca had enough and took control of my laptop (I think that at a certain point he was so frustrated that he was about to punch me in the head). Watching a movie with me must be a real pleasure.
Anyway, during my Christmas break (spent almost entirely in Padova) I enjoyed a movie (and Venetian soppressa) feast, as I went to the cinema almost every night.
I've seen every film I was interested in and I recommend them all!
Life of Pi (it's great in 3D) / Una famiglia perfetta / De rouille et d'os / Argo / The best offer / Skyfall (even though this is not my favorite genre I have to admit I really liked it.)
I also watched some animation movies:
-Hotel Transylvania
-The 5 legends
(by the way I noticed that when Luca and I go to see an animation movie we are always the only adults in the whole theater who are not actually accompanied by a kid. Sometimes we don't feel totally at ease and we try to hug a random child, pretending he's come to the cinema with us.)
Let's move on.
I did like a lot the movies I just talked about, even though the genres are so different.
The one I liked the most is probably Moonrise kingdom by Wes Anderson.
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