Wednesday, March 6, 2013


(versione italiana qui!)
Some time back my friends at Total Photoshop interviewed me. It took me a while before I made up my mind and published it here. The reason is that I wanted to think it over before uploading a video of my big face on the web.
Now I'm ready though.
And how about you? Are you ready to hear me talking for fifteen minutes? Be careful, it can easily make you fall asleep. 
In the video I'm talking about myself, of what I do and of course about the children, who give me the chance to have such a wonderful job. Thanks!

Le cinèma!

(italian version here!)
Have I ever told you about my passion for cinema?
I would go to the movies every night if I could, and I'd always sit in the front row (yeah, I like the front row, as I don't mind going home with a stiff neck in order to have nothing and nobody in between the screen and myself).
Unfortunately I live in Zurich and as I am not familiar with the local language I don't go to the cinema very often. Actually I don't do it at all. 
However, in the past few months I have found out that I can rent pretty much any movie I like through iTunes. 
I've recently watched The fox and the child, whose photography, in my opinion, is very beautiful. At the beginning of the story - in some scenes - light kind of invades the picture in a way that thrilles me. 
As I was watching it I did rewind some scenes over and over again. Until Luca had enough and took control of my laptop (I think that at a certain point he was so frustrated that he was about to punch me in the head). Watching a movie with me must be a real pleasure. 
Anyway, during my Christmas break (spent almost entirely in Padova) I enjoyed a movie (and Venetian soppressa) feast, as I went to the cinema almost every night.
I've seen every film I was interested in and I recommend them all!
Life of Pi (it's great in 3D) / Una famiglia perfetta / De rouille et d'os / Argo / The best offer / Skyfall (even though this is not my favorite genre I have to admit I really liked it.)
I also watched some animation movies:
-Hotel Transylvania
-The 5 legends
(by the way I noticed that when Luca and I go to see an animation movie we are always the only adults in the whole theater who are not actually accompanied by a kid. Sometimes we don't feel totally at ease and we try to hug a random child, pretending he's come to the cinema with us.)
Let's move on.
I did like a lot the movies I just talked about, even though the genres are so different. 
The one I liked the most is probably Moonrise kingdom by Wes Anderson.
I think it's poetry expressed through images. Have a look at the photo I posted below.