Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Every shot has its own story behind. I mean a special story. I’m convinced that those stories that have children as their main characters turn out to be the most memorable, and in the last few years I’ve collected a lot. To the point that one day I’ll throw my camera away (I’m not gonna tell you where), I’ll become an author and I’ll write a book about all that.
This might well be the very first story of that book. It tells about how the majority of boys (up to ten years of age) are literally disgusted by girls the same age…and Gerri is one of those boys.
Everything and everybody was ready for the new Brums ad campaign photo. A very important one I would say. The idea was to have each kid lying on another one’s back.
Initially I thought that the most difficult part would be to make sure that the little baby didn’t wake up. Nothing of the sort: the hardest thing is always something you were not expecting at all. Convincing Gerri to get close to a girl – as per the planned layout – was no easy feat. There seemed to be nothing to do: he was perfectly fine with being taken pictures of but not with any type of contact with girls. Girls are revolting, that was the message (which is perfectly fine for a 4-year-old boy…I’d like to ask him what he thinks about that in, let’s say, ten years time…).
Finally the negotiations we worked on in order to change his mind bore fruit (of course they involved a significant number of toys: smart boy!).
At the very last moment though he still tried a desperate move and asked whether it was possible to interpose the little baby between the girl and himself. His request was obviously rejected. And this is the photo.